Other links
stainable Pet Food
Andrew Knight (see link below) has developed a website that explains that it is scientifically possible to feed your dog and cat vegan. The website contains a wide range of facts on the subject. Not least, how big a difference it will make to the climate footprint if pets eat plant-based food.
Andrew Knight’s homepage with research articles etc.
Andrew Knight is a veterinarian and a professor in animal welfare who has been working with animal welfare for at least 10 years. He has been researching the benefits of a vegan diets for pets. In this context, he has found that the effect of meat production for pet food is an important part of our CO2 emissions. He is, in his own words, working with Carbon Paw Prints 😉
WWF World Wildlife Foundation
WWF is an old and trustable organization which have cared for nature for many years. You can find a lot of information on their page for your students to read. They are a valid source of scientific information. They also have teaching materials ready to use if you need inspiration.
Extinction Rebellion
Extinction Rebellion is an activist group with strict rules of non-violence. They use civil disobedience to draw attention to the need to act against the climate crisis.
They do not have any teaching materials on their homepage but they can be used as a source for reading about activism.
UN United Nations: 17 Sustainable Development Goals
United Nations have made some fine teaching materials about sustainability .
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT has made an incredible program which can calculate the temperature on the planet depending on human activities. Of course, this is a simulation and should be regarded as such and not as a certain prediction of reality.
The horrifying thing about this program, is that there is nothing we can do if we do not stop burning gas, coal and oil.
By 2020 We Rise Up
On this page you can keep yourself up to date with what goes on with climate activism.
Your students can get an overview of what goes on using this page.
NASA Time Machine
NASA has made a very illustrative program which show the change in water level, change in CO2 level, change in temperature and mass of the global ice sheets with the current emissions of CO2. My students love to play with it. I use it as an apetizer for talks and further education on the climate crisis.